Where and How to Store Water for Long-Term Use

The time has come to place your water storage in its storage location.

Storage Location

You should have already selected your storage location with an eye on storage conditions, a place that is cool, dark, and dry; has a temperature between 50-70 degrees; and is away from pesticides. Try to choose more than one location in case something happens to one part of your home.

Storing in the Garage

Like many people, you may not really have a choice but to store larger quantities of water in your garage. If this is you, here are things you can do to minimize light, direct light, and temperature fluctuations. This applies to 5-gallon containers all the way up to large size drums and tanks.

Water Storage
Tips for Storing Water in the Garage

Block direct sunlight

Keeping water storage out of direct sunlight is a must if you want to keep it useable long-term.

  • Choose a location that does not have direct sun.
  • Use existing cabinets with doors that already block the sun.
  • If you are using open shelving, drape your storage with some type of thick cover. More on this below.
  • Light is also an enemy to water storage. So, no matter where you place your storage, try to cover it as best you can.

Keep stored water off the ground

The goal is to elevate all water containers at least a few inches off the ground.

  • 5-to-15-gallon containers
  • use existing cabinets
  • build elevated shelving or some form of stand
  • assemble 2x4’s
  • 50-gallon and 55-gallon drums
  • assemble 2x4’s
Water Storage
Storing 55-Gallon Drums

Create the platform

Decide the amount of space that will be required to store your drums. Then, purchase and assemble your raised platform, 2x4’s work very well. Put your drums in place before you fill them with water.

Water weight when full: 458.7 lbs.
Accessories needed: bung wrench & siphon hose

Protect your privacy

  • Cover the storage area with 3.5 mil thick black sheeting.
  • Secure this plastic with thumb tacks or wood staples.
  • Shore up the attachment areas first with gorilla tape first so tacks or staples don’t rip the plastic.

Know how to siphon water

  • The siphon hose will slop downward into a catching container.
  • Insert the siphon valve end into the barrel and the plastic part into the catching container.
  • Shake the hose in a vertical fashion until the water starts flowing. This will only take a few seconds.
Water Storage
Tips for Rotating Your Stored Water

How to Rotate Long-Term Water Storage

Rotating your stored water at the appropriate times is key to keeping your supply fresh and safe. Set a schedule based on your treatment method—rotate every 6 months or every 5 years if you have used a water preserver. Using the FIFO method (First In, First Out) will help you easily track and rotate the oldest containers first.

Water Container Inspections

Water itself does not expire, but even food-grade containers that you store water in can degrade over time. Keep your eye on the containers and check them periodically for:

  • signs of damage
  • leaks
  • contamination

Learn more about long-term water rotation.